Product Branding & Magazine Ad

Design work for product branding. Label and magazine ad design. Published in mainstream media channels with national and international reach.

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Branding Campaign

My Role:

Design Director

Campaign Concept Creation


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe PhotoShop

Adobe InDesign



The AquasSlim product was the first of its kind to make it successfully into the weight-loss industry. The market objective was to establish AquaSlim as a trusted and affordable partner, an extension of the well known Metabolife line of products. .

Target audience included women between 18-45 years of age who did not want to follow a rigorous diets, most likely did not want to be perceived as dieting but rather engage in a healthy lifestyle.

Some of the design initial concepts and brand personality we experimented with in our design Jam sessions included portraying a refreshing look and feel, loyal, supportive, proactive, healthy balance, and feel good.

Product Branding & Magazine Ad

Design work for product branding. Label and magazine ad design. Published in mainstream media channels with national and international reach.


Branding Campaign

My Role:

Design Director

Campaign Concept Creation


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe PhotoShop

Adobe InDesign



The marketing goals and objectives were to expand our line of products and reach a broader audience. We wanted to leverage the Ripped Fuel brand to maximize sales and expand our audience beyond bodybuilding and aspirational athletes, and infuse the “cool factor” into the brand.

Target audiences and personas included: Joe Six Pack: People between the ages of 18-34. Ambitious, adventurer, seeking a lifestyle of excitement. Cares about his looks, very fashion oriented and interested in attracting his Jane Six Pack who holds similar values and lifestyle. Iron Mike: People who are hard-core bodybuilders, who wants to go big and enjoys the attention he gets from showing off his ever-evolving ripped body. For him our product has been somewhat outdated and hardly cutting edge. Endurance Erik or Weekend Warrior: People between 29-49 years of age who balance their professional life with athletic endeavors. Supplementation for this audience is crucial in order to enable better performance and life style.

Our conversion strategy included the use of athletes who were able to endorse our products. In addition, we provided a we- portal for customers and product users to enable them to communicate directly with athletes for feedback on exercise, training, and product use tips.


Product Rebranding

Product rebranding campaign due to lengthy litigation with FDA, negative media, consumer distrust, and market share loss.


Rebranding Campaign

My Role:

Design Director

Packaging Design


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe PhotoShop

Adobe InDesign

Scketch Pad

Package Prototypes

Market Research


The Metabolife product rebranding campaign was necesary after a lengthy litigation with FDA, negative media, consumer distrust, and market share loss. Our marketing objectives included to stop the declines in y/y sales. Clarify and communicate new brand personality. Engage customers by becoming partners in their efforts to lose weight and improve their lifestyle.

Target audience included women between the ages of 18-45, mostly single, engaged and/or separated. This group was divided into 2 categories or personas, “Quick Fix” and “Tone Up”.

My approach to the redesign effort was to focus our attention to the point of view of the user. This approach required us to go out to the field as well as conducting focus groups sessions. At the time there was a new opportunistic competitor in the market (Alli) who took advantage of the market void our product left behind. We tackled this problem head on and look at the redesign from several different aspects such as isle placement, beaded colors, appeal, reputation, and user needs and wants. Our redesign was a success not only being able to reverse the decline and recuperate market loss but most importantly we were able to gain new markets and exceed product sales projections for two years in a row.